Friday, March 28, 2008

Dominate and Manipulate

God gave man the right to govern the land but not the right to dominate the land. Look at the difference...

I think this makes sense however, the right to govern does not mean to dominate or manipulate. In my opinion, mankind took advantage of their power. In turn, the abuse of the land may now cost us our lives and our habitat.

We are as humans in danger of losing our earth. Once we lose this planet… we are as a species…


Does man realize there is no planet “B.” we are? Or we used to be the luckiest or the most blessed species of Gods creation. Why is it that while we were giving the power to think, we, in turn think pass the blessings?

Man chooses not to see the forest through the trees…

Does man have the right to manipulate the earth to satisfy their own desires?


What will it take for man to realize the reality of the information that has been so graciously researched for us?

The more we build on Gods precious Planet Earth…. The less natural resource we will have.

The trees, the flowers, the birds, and the bees, all have a purpose here. Why does man have to mess with Gods work?

If it’s not broke!!!!!!!!!!! Why does man feel the need to fix it???????

When God granted mankind "dominion" over the earth, I believe he meant for mankind to preserve the land. Eat from the land. Take care of the land. Share the land. Not to allow mankind’s greed, and selfishness, to alter the natural order of the universe.




The more man builds the roads, bridges, and houses the less natural resources there will be for the animals, insects, and other habitants of the earth.

Our domination takes away from other things ability to live as God intended. Man is killing the earth, with which, in turn hurts the environment.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

My Journey! My Passion!

My journey and My passion may go in two different directions. Although this may be the case I’m sure they will meet at the crossroads.

What I am trying to say is I may be heading in a total different direction than my passion. All my life the only thing I wanted to do is work in a hospital and become a nurse. Somewhere along the line I got distracted and my life was interrupted. My dreams were shattered and my life was put on hold.

The blessing in this story was I gave birth to five beautiful children. Although having my children may have caused my journey to be temporarily stagnated, I got back on track. They are teenagers now and I am headed in a new direction.

I am in college now after being out of school for thirty years. When I first enrolled in LaGuardia Community college, my intentions were to follow my dreams of becoming a nurse. After being in school for two years, I realized it would take more time than I am willing to give.

Now I have come to the conclusion, I will not become a registered nurse I will become a licensed practical nurse instead. I will still follow my passion for helping people and possibly working in a hospital which will fulfill my heart and life.

My journey, My passion, is heading in a new direction. It starts at LaGuardia Community College. This is my last semester, after I receive my associates degree I intend on going back to school for my Bachelors Degree, but not right away. I would like to get my feet wet in a hospital working as a social worker first in hopes that they will pay for me to go back to school to get a higher degree.

Since I have been at LaGuardia I have been working in the Health Services Center as a Peer Health Educator. This job helps me network not just within the college but with different organizations outside that the college is affiliated with.

I know working in the Health Services Center is not working in a hospital; however it is where I am learning a lot about the world of health and other organizations involved.

These are the links which are most interesting to me:

Energy - it's most important we as visitors of this planet use energy efficient bulbs and appliances.

Climate Crisis- crisis and control. Our summers are getting hotter and our winters are staying warmer!!! Doesn’t that tell you something?

Green Powered Homes- Yea Right!!!! How’s that going to work? I can hear the controversy with the people on the block saying,” This is causing my property value to decrease. You pompous idiot!!! The world is about to burn.

Public Transportation - I can see the sardines packed neatly into the cars now. They are angry because the train was half hour late.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle- This is my favorite because I am still learning how to do this.

These sites were very interesting to me because they are the ones that I have the hardest time following. I rather drive oppose to taking the train. I am still getting the hang of recycling and although I see the greener bags in the grocery store, I'd rather use theirs. Going Green for me will take some getting used to however I am putting an effort into it. I am more aware of the difference.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Annie Says

Annie said a lot of good things in this clip. I would like to respond to each one of the questions. However, the question I can go on and on about is the third one which asks, "How do I spend my leisure time, and how much of my time is spent on leisure? Does my leisure time match my priorities?"

To answer that question I will start by saying, “I a full time student and a part time parent.” This does not allow me to have much leisure time at all. When I am not in school learning, I am at home studying, doing homework or being a housewife/mother. With things being the way they are my days are full. Therefore, when I do have a moment to spend by myself I am usually resting. I would like to be shopping for clothes but I don’t because I rather lay in my bed. Therefore, I leave the clothes shopping to my children. However, the type of shopping I do induldge in would be food shopping. After all I need a house full of food to occupy me while I lounge.

I feel after getting up early every morning to go to school and work I deserve to lounge around for a day or two. Nevertheless, on the weekends I am guilty of spending way too much time watching television. When I wake up on Saturday and Sunday mornings the fist thing I do is get my remote and turn on my television set to see what’s on. I will spend all day watching Lifetime, LMN, History, Discovery, Oxygen, Hallmark, TNT, and USA channels. I will lay in my bed watch these channels until I have to cook or use the restroom.

Dare not bother me when forensic files, CSI and Americas Most Wanted is on.

When I am not in school, I can spend all day everyday looking at television. It becomes a regular routine with me. Each day at the same time I will watch the same programs. The only time I will watch something different is when a special movie is on. If there is a rerun/marathon of Law and Order, The Closer, Cold Case or Matlock on I will not budge until a commercial come on or the movie goes off.

On a weekly basis, I don't know exactly how much time I spend watching television. What I do know is it's too much. I use television as my relaxation. Sometimes I don't want to crawl up with a good book. I rather give my brain a rest and let the television be my bedtime story, my lullaby.

I can honestly say, I spend too many hours doing what I want to do and not what I should be doing. In retrospect, does my leisure time match with my priorities? No! when I should be studying or reading a book, instead I allow myself to be mesmerized by the ignorance box. My justification for this behavior is, I deserve to do nothing but lounge around, not just on the weekends, but, every chance I get. In actuality, I ought to have my face in the books to be better equipped for the school weeks to come.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Ignoring the Green

Today is Friday March 7, 2008. I’ve done several things today which made my day quit busy. Certain things I’ve done today were not environment friendly. I am aware of Global warming and my duties to help the “Going Green” process. With the knowledge I have about Global warming I do very little to help the environment.

For example, I live in a New York City Housing development; therefore, I feel, since I throw my garbage into a receptacle I do not have to recycle. Although, above the garbage shoot there is a sign which tells you what you should and should not throw in it, I tend to ignore it. My thoughts are who will know?

I know that running the water for long periods of time is considered a waste. Another thing I do to ignore what’s going on around me is, when I brush my teeth I leave the water running. I know running water can lead to a drought. I do the same thing when I take a shower. I pay no attention to how long I stay in the shower nor do I turn the water off when I soap up my body. Also when I do my laundry, I can have a small load yet I allow the water to fill all the way up to the top as though it was a large load.

I am fully aware of the things I do not do to help the environment. The thing I refuse to consider is, what if everyone in the world carryon the way I do and ignore the little things today which eventually will add up to a bigger problem tomorrow? Although I feel little or no remorse for what I do, I need to think on a larger scale, after all how will what I do today affect my children for tomorrow?