I think this makes sense however, the right to govern does not mean to dominate or manipulate. In my opinion, mankind took advantage of their power. In turn, the abuse of the land may now cost us our lives and our habitat.
We are as humans in danger of losing our earth. Once we lose this planet… we are as a species…
Does man realize there is no planet “B.” we are? Or we used to be the luckiest or the most blessed species of Gods creation. Why is it that while we were giving the power to think, we, in turn think pass the blessings?
Man chooses not to see the forest through the trees…
Does man have the right to manipulate the earth to satisfy their own desires?
What will it take for man to realize the reality of the information that has been so graciously researched for us?
The more we build on Gods precious Planet Earth…. The less natural resource we will have.
The trees, the flowers, the birds, and the bees, all have a purpose here. Why does man have to mess with Gods work?
If it’s not broke!!!!!!!!!!! Why does man feel the need to fix it???????
When God granted mankind "dominion" over the earth, I believe he meant for mankind to preserve the land. Eat from the land. Take care of the land. Share the land. Not to allow mankind’s greed, and selfishness, to alter the natural order of the universe.
The more man builds the roads, bridges, and houses the less natural resources there will be for the animals, insects, and other habitants of the earth.
Our domination takes away from other things ability to live as God intended. Man is killing the earth, with which, in turn hurts the environment.
WOW! Debbie, I absolutely love the way you have written this blog! It made me want to read more. The way you spaced your words, your cjoice of wording, and the points that you touched. great job!
I'm very nervous about "we are as humans in danger of losing our earth. Once we lose this planet... we are as species... DOOMED..." I found myself actually pausing as i read this part and not only because of the.... that was placed but because of the actual message. It's a very scary thought. i think it is easy to say look this is what is making the environment bad, all of these man-made things, but it's soooo hard to stop because these thingsd are what make life easier for us. This is how "we" make our money and sad to say in today's society that we live in, money makes the world go round. But we are not realizing that supporting this thought it's also making the environment upside down (figure of speech) and ruined. Creating all these things we believe we are advancing, but what if we were to percieve learning to live without these unnatural things??? that would surely be something to see. That is my hope for OUR world and ENVIRONMENT. The thing is HOW? how do we get such a large amount of people to feel this way???? This is truly a frightful crisis! God help us, we need you. DESPERATELY!!!
I don't think we humans planned to destroy our sacred earth. I do belief that we just lived and did without thinking about the consequences. We need to stop talking about it now and do something each day to make it better.
Hey Debbie, you responded to my blog before I had a chance to finish....LOL....but thanks for the word of advise.
You have a lot great ideas that captured my attention. We are over abusing the power of living in this planet and of being a smart specie. We are forgetting that we have only one planet. Also, we are fogetting our true mission in this world; which is to take care of the amazing and unique things we have. We need to stop thinking what can we do and actuatly start doing them. We need to act in order to save our world, to save us.
"Why does man feel the need to fix it???????" I loved your post but to the line up their I don't think that man wants to fix anything. Istead they look for ways to use and abuse the earth big corparations. we have to take a look at what we are doing so many people just are so disconnected
I absolutely love how you wrote this blog. It's very to the point. But it's true though, nowadays people feel that they're so advanced that they can make anything possible, and do the impossible. But we need to wake up and see that what's happening is caused by us, and nature is not going to revert itself to normal. It's what we should be working on. Again, amazing entry.
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