The topic will be about Coral Reefs which they are the "Rainforests" of the ocean. They are a source of food and medicine, and they protect the coast from wave erosion. Much of the ocean life rely on these reefs for survival however, in some areas they are becoming extinct.
The research paper will explore a time line from the last one hundred years or more of corals in the Caribbean and other areas. Since Coral reefs support the livelihoods of millions of people. They supply seafood, building materials, and are sources for medicinal products; in addition, Reefs also protect shorelines and communities from storms and erosion.
The research paper will explore a time line from the last one hundred years or more of corals in the Caribbean and other areas. Since Coral reefs support the livelihoods of millions of people. They supply seafood, building materials, and are sources for medicinal products; in addition, Reefs also protect shorelines and communities from storms and erosion.
It to be extremely important to explore the coral reef and it's patterns. to venture into the Hot spots of the reef. To determine which species are dying in what area and which species are living.
Some areas are experiencing more degeneration and are at higher risk than others; the underline cause of this problem will be the focus. This paper will determine whether it is linked to climate change or the direct abuse of humans such as and not excluding over-fishing, global warming and pollution, and oil spills. What ever the cause, it will be interesting to research.
The audiences I hope to reach are the people who own oil companies, people who dump waste in the oceans and everyone including myself who is guilty of having a hand in Global warming.
Coral reefs are an important ecosystem and have a high biodiversity that serves as a storage bank of rich genetic resources. They are on the verge of becoming extinct. Much of the creatures living today rely on them for their survival. We must change our habits and save our reefs. The sources I will be using are:
This site will be useful to my paper it talks about
the variety of ways the climate changes effects coral reefs
American Museum of Natural History
This site will help talks about the wide variety of fish
that may also be causing the degenteration of the coral reef.
as well as what we can do to make the situation better
United Nations System Wide Earth
This site talks gives me more reasons why coral reefs are becoming extinct
and it talks about which areas are the worst.
other sites will be added.
I like your topic and it is focused so it will work well. The only thing see missing from your post is your thesis or tentative thesis at least. Nevertheless, seems like a very interesting topic. I did not know that corals prevented erosion. Very unique topic. i like it.
I love your topic, I watch the discovery channel every now and then and love to see the ocean tropics and how it is so fragile. To think what would happen to it with global warming involved is astonishing, anyhoot good luck wiht your paper because I would definitely like to read it.
One worry/ very important question: how are you going to make sure that this project is not just regurgitation? What will be the original part/ your personal contribution to this paper?
I have changed your thesis a bit so it's easier to read (see below).
Timeline: “one hundred years or more of corals in the Caribbean”-too long a time! Try to make it somewhat shorter if possible
Audience: “people who own oil companies, people who dump waste in the oceans and everyone including myself who is guilty of having a hand in Global warming”—reaching the first audience is a dream; the second audience is possible
THESIS: Some of the world’s most valuable and diverse ecosystems depend on coral reefs, which serve as a storage bank of rich genetic resources. Today, coral reefs are on the verge of becoming extinct. Many of the creatures living in coral reefs today rely on them for their survival. We must change our habits and save our reefs.
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